Look into Brain

The Amygdala and Autism Research

Excerpts from Research on “The amygdala theory of autism.”

“Brothers (Brothers L. Concepts in Neuroscience 1990;1:27–51) proposed a network of neural regions that comprise the ‘social brain’, which includes the amygdala. Since the childhood psychiatric condition of autism involves deficits in ‘social intelligence’, it is plausible that autism may be caused by an amygdala abnormality.

“Many primatologists now believe that social problem-solving (independently of other factors such as tool-use or other non-social problem-solving) was a key driving force behind the evolution of primate intelligence [7]”.

Let it go

Plasticity and Regulating Behaviors

Excerpts from Research on Exploration, the Amygdala, and Brain Injury

“With regard to neural circuitries, there is converging evidence that thalamo-cortico-amygdala circuitries are critically involved in the processing of fear stimuli [LeDoux, 2000a]. The amygdala has a key role in this circuitry because the pathways processing innate (unconditioned) and learned (conditioned) fear stimuli converge in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). The LA projects to the central nucleus of the amygdala (CE), the outputs of which control the expression of different fear responses, including endocrine responses (projections to the hypothalamus), and the startle response (projections to the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis, PnC)

Accept the nature

Social and Ecological Topics in Self Advocacy:

Self Determination, and Social Inclusion & Effectiveness

Adapted from the Independence Center of Colorado’s “Instruction in Self-Advocacy (DVR)- Self-advocacy refers to an individual’s ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate or assert his/her own interests and/or desires. Instruction in self-advocacy may include development of self-awareness (including understanding of one’s disability, independent decision-making, goal setting, self-determination, understanding, requesting, and utilizing needed accommodations, knowing rights and responsibilities, and leadership.”

Go with the nature

Self-Determination Interventions and Results

Scholarship: productivity; Mastery: quality

The 5280 method: ‘Project-based’ schooling; ‘On task’ and ‘do now’ prompts.

Research Variables and Study Methods

Self-management interventions.

Self-management interventions were used in four (36.4%) studies. Choice-making, goal setting, and self-advocacy were the primary self-determination components of the intervention for one (9.1%) study each. Four (36.4%) studies implemented self-determination interventions using multiple component skills.